Monday, March 28, 2011

Question & Answer

Question 1

a) What is the defination of relational & why it is needed?
Relational key are device that relates one entity with another entity in relationship. A key consist of one or more attributes that can be identified in a row and enables us to link the table together in database for easier data access storage.

b) List and explain 4 type of relational keys.
i. Candidate Key
- an attribute or group of attribute that identify a unique row in a relation.
ii. Primary Key
- any of the candidates that are selected to be the key or an attribute that uniquely identifies each row in a relational table.
iii. Foreign Key
- an attribute in one table whose values must match the primary key in another table or whose value must not null.
iv. Composite Key
- a primary key that consists of more than one attribute, especially in (M:N) relationship.

c) Based on table given below, answer all the following question:

i) What is the name for the above table? BORROWER

ii)What is the primary key for above table?

iii) What is data type for borrower's name, category, age and date of birth colum?
  1. BORROWER NAME- text
  2. CATOGERY- text
  3. DATE OF BIRTH- date/time
  4. AGE- number
iv) How many attributes and records contains in the table?
  1. attributes- 7
  2. records- 2
v) What is the function of field size, input mask and default value?
  1. field size- the maximum number of character you can enter in the field.
  2. input mask- a pattern for all data to be entered in this field.
  3. defult value- a value that automatically entered in this field for new records. 
 Question 2

Question 3

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

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